2022 Annual Report
Table of Contents 2022
Session Committees
Christian Education.................................................................................... 2
Church & World Committee..................................................................... 4
Fellowship Committee............................................................................... 5
Outreach........................................................................................................ 6
Personnel Committee................................................................................ 7
Property Committee.................................................................................. 8
Stewardship & Finance Committee..................................................... 10
Worship Committee................................................................................. 11
The Board of Deacons
Deacons’ Report........................................................................................ 13
Deacons Treasurer’s Report.................................................................... 14
Staff Reports
Clerk of Session......................................................................................... 15
Financial Secretary.................................................................................... 16
Music Director............................................................................................. 17
Pastor’s Report........................................................................................... 18
2022 Budget Review.................................................................................. 22
2023 Budget................................................................................................ 24
Asset Report................................................................................................. 25
Memorial Funds 2021................................................................................ 26
Pastor’s 2023 Salary................................................................................... 27
Christian Education consists of educating children and adults in the Christian faith.
Children’s Christian Education
Educating our children has consisted in two events: their participation in the Gospel for All God’s Children (GfAGC) (commonly thought of as “the children’s sermon”) in the Sunday worship services, and their attending Children’s Sunday School after the GfAGC. Pastor Deck normally presides over the GfAGC in worship, unless there is a guest preacher. At some point in 2021 Pastor Deck understood from Max DiStefano that he no longer enjoyed being handed a microphone and asked questions for the GfAGC. Pastor Deck’s immediate response was to tell Max “I didn’t know you felt that way, so I will no longer do that. It is, after all, the Gospel for ALL God’s children, not just you and your sister!” So since that time Pastor Deck has not handed the microphone to either Max or Bella during the GfAGC, but has involved adults in the conversation of the GfAGC.
Elder Roberta Hunter normally teaches children’s Sunday School during worship, after the GfAGC is over. Occasionally we have other children attend worship, and when this happens they are invited to participate in the GfAGC and attend children’s Sunday School, or they are given the option of staying in worship with their parents if they wish.
Adult Christian Education
Adult Christian Education is led by Pastor Deck. Since March of 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic started, all Adult Education classes have met using the computer program Zoom, which allows everyone to see and hear each other using either their computer or smart-phone.
Since August 2019 Pastor Deck has led a weekly Bible Study on Zoom from 1:00 to 1:45 p.m. In the class we look at a Bible passage that Pastor Deck has recently preached on in worship. We always look at the definitions of the Greek words in the Bible text that stand behind the English translation we are used to reading. We also sometimes read interpretation about the passage that Pastor Deck puts up on the Zoom screen for us to read and discuss together. Attendance at this Bible Study averages between 5 and 8 people each week. Many attenders have said that they are pleasantly surprised at how much they learn from the study even after also hearing the sermon based on the passage.
For over 15 years Pastor Deck led a class called Journey of Faith: An Exploration of the Spiritual Journey,” which meets on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Average attendance at this class is around 5 or 6 people each Tuesday. The format of the class has not changed for several years. This is the format of the class:
- Sharing What’s on Our Hearts — We begin by sharing our lives with each other.
- Then, we intentionally S-L-O-W D-O-W-N. The pace of our lives is normally so fast that we don’t really take time to think about our lives. So, we begin by first singing Taizé songs, and then writing down at least 5 things for which we are grateful while we listen to music.
- Centering Prayer — This is a type of prayer that is more about “listening” than talking. While it is a less well know form of prayer, it can also be seen as a form of meditation. We practice it together for 20 minutes.
- The bulk of our time we practice Lectio Divina This is an ancient way of reading the Bible or some other text. For 2022 we have been slowly reading through a book entitled A Different Christianity: Early Christian Esotericism and Modern Thought by Robin Amis. Occassionally we read a different text as other topice come up, but we have consistently returned to reading A Different Christianity.
Respectfully submitted,
Pastor Hampton Deck
Linda Reid
Christian Education Committee Chair
As we continue to navigate this unique moment in history, our congregation remainedsteadfast in our resolve to be Christ’s hands and feet in the world by contributing topositive change in the world through our financial gifts during the year 2022. Ourcongregation, as a FIVE for FIVE CHURCH, received the four Church Wide SpecialOfferings and contributed to basic mission support. Basic mission support this yearremained at $2400.Our One Great Hour of Sharing Appeal in April yielded $880.00 which supported Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Self Development of the People and Presbyterian Hunger Program projects domestically and globally. 2022 brought multiplenatural disasters to several areas around the world, including severe storms throughout the United States. Your contributions to this offering assist others as they rebuild their lives following life changing events. In May 2022, The Church and World Committee gave $500 to Vallejo Together which established the very first Vallejo Together Fund to assist homeless youth. The Pentecost Offering, collected during the month of June, raised $285.00 to support projects of the Presbyterian Church (USA) which impact youth and young adults. Forty percent of this offering, amounting to $114.00, will be used to support projects for local at risk youth and 60%, totaling $171.00, will be sent to the Synod to support PC(USA) programs for at risk youth and other initiatives such as Presbyterian Youth Triennium.During the month of October, our Peace and Global Witness Offering was collected. Atotal of $302.00 was collected. The Church and World Committee retained 25%($75.50). The remaining $226.50 was shared by the Presbytery of the Redwoods andthe Synod of the Pacific to assist in promoting the peace of Christ by addressing thesystems of injustice throughout the world. During the month of December, we collectedthe Christmas Joy Offering. Total collection for this offering was $245.00 whichsupports leadership development at the racial/ethnic schools affiliated with thePresbyterian Church (USA) and enables the Presbyterian Church (USA) Board ofPensions to assist retired pastors and other church workers in times of financial need. Throughout 2022, a total of $565.00 was collected for the Cents-Ability Offering. ThePresbytery of the Redwoods received $423.75 of this offering and 25% ($141.25) of theoffering was retained to provide food for the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solanobarrel located in our church Narthex. Our contribution to the Cents-Ability Offering wascombined with contributions from other churches in the Presbytery of the Redwoods togrant $23,625 to 15 churches in our Presbytery and their community based non profitpartners to support their hunger alleviation projects. These hunger alleviation projects,including community gardens, food pantries and soup kitchens providing hot take-outmeals, allow churches and non profits in our Presbytery to show Christ’s love toneighbors in need. Individuals in our congregation also contributed $205.00 to the 9thAnnual Pedal for Protein charity bicycle ride, which raised over $50,000 for the 8 FoodBanks within our Presbytery of the Redwoods boundaries and 1 International FoodProject.
We thank God and you for your prayers and continued financial support that we receivefor mission which allows God’s work to be done in the world!“YOUR PRAYERS AND YOUR DOLLARS REALLY DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Corinne Quinn for all the work she did when she was the previous Chair of Church and World. Also for her kind assistance in writing this report.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Reid
Chair, Church and World Committee
It was another year of trying to dodge COVID which makes fellowship a little challenging. But we managed to have lots of fellowship!
We still had no birthday luncheons due to COVID. I think we are slowly moving toward birthday lunches being served again. Our members and friends have been making the best of the situation working around COVID.
On July 17th we were joined by Community Presbyterian Church and Heritage Presbyterian Church for worship and a picnic in the courtyard. It was a really nice day enjoyed by all.
Mid year, Session Chairs were rearranged and Pattie Kempf became Fellowship Chair. I moved on to Outreach.
Pattie’s first fellowship event was “Drive by Pie” day. On November 22th our members and friends were invited to drive through the parking lot and they would receive a piece of pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. Thank you to Norman Ortiz and Pattie Kemp for volunteering their baking skills. We had homemade pumpkin and pecan pie. Pattie Kempf and Sue Cameron were in the parking lot handing out pieces of pie.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Melendez & Pattie Kempf
Fellowship Chair
OutReach is always working towards finding more avenues to introduce the community to our congregation and our building. We are looking at all the different ways of putting FPCV in the public eye, we are slightly more aggressive with our advertising but we always have to remember that there is a cost to most advertising.
We are a member of Vallejo Convention & Visitor Center, and our advert is permanently placed in the Ferry Building along with our informational leaflets.
We are also a member of Vallejo Chamber of Commerce this allows us to advertise on their website with our special events being sent out to all their members. We attend the Chamber events, to promote our events and our building. Pattie Kempf is a member of the OutReach Committee working for us with the Chamber of Commerce.
We place adverts in the Vista Neighborhood Association News, Times Herald, and the Grapevine. We have banners outside the church to let people know how to connect with us via Zoom plus inviting friends to join us in the Sanctuary.
Don’t forget, everything you need to know about us is on our website which is looked after beautifully by Susan Melendez. Not only does Susan work on our website she also designs our banners that we place outside the building and the graphics for our advertising.
If you have any ideas or thoughts as to how we can promote ourselves please let the OutReach Committee know and we will see how we can move forward with your ideas.
Many thanks to the OutReach Committee members Susan Melendez and Pattie Kempf helpers, always so willing to work on our behalf. I have passed on the outreach torch to Susan Melendez and I have moved on to Chrch and World chair as well as Christian Education chair.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda M Reid
OutReach Chair
The church had four paid staff and one volunteer staff in 2022.
Senior Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Hampton Deck
Music Director/Organist/Keyboardist; Norman Ortiz
Administrative Assistant/Treasurer: Susan Melendez
Custodian/Maintenance: Cathy Wilcox
Financial Secretary: Donna Russell, Volunteer
Personnel and Administration Committee members: Caroline Poage, chair; Michael Braymen and Corinne Quinn.
There was no turnover in staff during 2022. All staff are experienced in their positions, and each have over thirteen years of experience with the church. The Rev. Dr. Hampton Deck completed twenty-eight years of service with the church on Jan. 2, 2023. Performance evaluations were not conducted in 2022 but are planned to be completed in 2023.
Though the place and methods of work for church changed during the pandemic, the church has been able to keep our staff at their regular pay during this time thanks to the continual giving of the congregation. A 6.8% cost of living raise was given to staff in 2022. This COLA was recommended by the Committee on Ministry at Redwoods Presbytery. The recommended terms of call for Pastor Deck on the last page includes this this COLA. Since we treat all our employees as equally as we can, this same COLA was approved by Session for all other staff. For more information on structuring terms of call for pastors please see the Board of Pensions guide at https://www.pensions.org/file/our-role-and-purpose/the-connectional-church/living-by-the-gospel/Documents/pln.619.pdf/.
Personnel and Administration Committee
The Property Committee is charged with the upkeep of the building, along with major furnishings, the grounds, and additionally manages the use of rentals of the Church facilities.
The workload of the committee is spread over several people. Committee chair Caroline Poage provides coordination and progressing of large projects requiring outside contractors. Susan Melendez prepares the contracts for renters. Cathy Wilcox, custodian, takes care of routine cleaning and maintenance as well as more significant projects. Pastor Deck provides institutional knowledge of the quirks of the building and pitches in on many efforts. Other committee members include Michael Braymen and Linda Reid.
The solar panels on the roof continue to produce and offset significant portions of our electricity bill. April through September they produced more power than we used.
We were contacted by the Solano County Registrar of Voters in the summer, asking if they could use our building for the November 8, 2022 election. Session discussed this request, approving it, and Elder Michael Braymen took charge of coordinating with the Registrar of Voters for the use of the building.
We continue to offer the use of our facilities as a service to the community. For the past several years, many organizations and private groups meet at and utilize the building, both on a fee or non-fee basis depending on requirements of each group. Currently these groups are using our building:
New Beginnings Good Samaritan Worship Center (beginning 1/1/23)
Abundant Life Church (continued during pandemic)
Common Ground (continued during pandemic)
Little Angels Preschool (continued during pandemic)
Vallejo Choral Society (resumed use in 2021)
Occasional rents for small groups, meetings, and weddings etc. (resumed use in 2021)
We are VERY glad that our three main renters/users of the building continued to use the building and pay their rent during the pandemic, since it greatly helps our Operating Budget.
Items of note for 2022:
1). Extensive repair of termite damage on office wing. Replaced siding with composite hardie board (a forever repair).
2). Hard rains indicate numerous leaks in sanctuary, classrooms and hall next to courtyard.
3). Rerouted drain of sink in deacons’ kitchen so it works!
4). Replaced faucets in ladies’ restroom.
5). Replaced some piping in pre-school.
6). Repaired top of kids’ slide in courtyard with bondo (3M) wood repair.
7). Cleared drain in mop room and replaced antiquated cleanout plug.
8). Permission given to Abundant Life to dispose of “dead” frig/freezer combo in church kitchen and to purchase a new one with their funds (it is THEIR refrigerator)
9). Investigated with the help of Richard at A-1 Heating and Air Conditioning, the submetering of various furnaces. Great idea, but unfortunately the meters he recommended could not be installed inside. Technology has not caught up with us yet in this area.
10). Replaced water heater.
11). Investigating installing new drains in “bathtub” (the pit east side of CE wing) to be located where water collects instead of expecting water to run uphill. The building has sunk, so existing drains don’t “do the job”.
The church facilities continue to need significant maintenance and upgrades. We are always aware of our limited resources and look for the best companies and reasonable costs to benefit our congregation and the building. The Session has been discussing these many needs, but has not come to consensus on how to proceed. In no particular order here is a list of some of the projects under consideration.
Repair spalling on support pillars.
Paint outside of building
Seal Christian Education wing for leaks
Fix drainage issue on Nebraska Street side of Sanctuary
Repair Atrium to prevent leaks into Small Social Hall
Remodel Sanctuary, i.e., remove pews, level choir loft
Grateful thanks to all who help with the stewardship of the building and its contents!
Property Committee
The Stewardship and Finance Committee is charged with assisting the people of God with the Christian stewardship of money, time, and talents; ensuring all offerings are used for the purposes for which they were contributed; and overseeing the financial accounting records of this congregation. The Stewardship & Finance Committee is also responsible for the Annual Stewardship Campaign to allow planning church operations for the following year. Members of the Committee include Michael Braymen (Chair), Caroline Poage, and Leona Young with additional assistance from Treasurer Susan Melendez and Financial Secretary Donna Russell.
I would like to start by thanking all who contribute to the work of the Church through their time, talents, and financial contributions. Special thanks to Leona Young, Caroline Poage, Donna Russel, and Susan Melendez. Caroline has been extra patient teaching me how to complete the monthly investment reports.
Some stewardship highlights from 2022 are:
• The Church received 15 pledges for 2023 totaling $48,940. The median pledge was $1500.
• Contributions to the four PC(USA) special offerings (One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peace & Global Witness, and Christmas Joy totaled $1712.
• The Presbytery of the Redwoods recognized our church for contributing to the Peace & Global Witness Offering for over 20 years. Only one other church in the Presbytery was so recognized.
• The operating budget ended with a deficit of $22,627 for 2022, less than the projected $37,360. For 2023 the projected deficit is $49,055.
• The Abundant Life congregation continues their worship in the Large Social Hall and their rent is a blessing and a significant help with our budget.
• Established lease relationship with the New Beginnings congregation which will increase our rental income.
The investments funds are in three places: managed investment portfolio, investment checking account, and USISX-USAA stock. The overall value of the funds decreased by $212,000 in 2022 most of which was due to a $143,000 decline in the market value of our investments. Disbursements from the funds include $3,388 from General Memorial fund, $35,164 from the Capital Building fund, and $1,200 from the Shear Scholarship fund. Also, $20,000 was transferred from the General Memorial fund to the operating budget. The General Memorial fund was used for $13,000 in new loans, $7,000 of which has been repaid. In 2022, $2,866 of gains in the Ann Williams fund was transferred to the operating budget. There will be no transfer from the Williams fund in 2023 because the fund did not gain in value in 2022.
Our continued deficit continues to be a concern; however, thanks to the congregation present and past, we have financial reserves.
If you, as members of this congregation, ever have any questions about First Presbyterian’s financial matters, please feel free to call upon any member of the Session.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Braymen
Chairman of Stewardship and Finance
The purpose of the Worship Committee is to facilitate engaging, inclusive opportunities for all members and friends of First Presbyterian Church, Vallejo to worship God on Sundays and on special occasions throughout the year. As is the custom of Christians throughout the world, we worshipped every Sunday morning throughout the year and on special occasions. As we entered another year of the Covid-19 pandemic, we enjoyed hybrid (both in person and via Zoom) worship during all Sunday mornings and on special days.
Throughout 2022, we continued to use Zoom to facilitate participation in worship services. This unique technology allowed people using Zoom on their own computers or smart phones to see and hear the service from home, while being visible via our 90 inch television in the Sanctuary to those worshipping in the Sanctuary. The Presbytery of the Redwoods also authorized the Celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper for online use, allowing people at home to use their own bread and juice to celebrate communion while Pastor Deck did the communion liturgy in the Sanctuary. Therefore, we continued to celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month. Zoom connected the body of Christ worshipping in the Sanctuary with those worshipping from home as we sang hymns, prayed, listened to and reflected upon Pastor Deck’s sermons, passed the peace, offered individual and collective gratitude to God, listened to The Gospel for All God’s Children and voiced prayer concerns.
During 2022, we held several special services. On Wednesday, March 2, we held an evening hybrid Ash Wednesday service and on Friday, April 15, we held an evening hybrid Good Friday worship service, re-living the Passion of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Some members of Community Presbyterian Church and Heritage Presbyterian Church joined us on Zoom on those special evenings. On Easter Sunday, April 17, Pastor Deck entertained everyone with his “Easter egg in the bottle” demonstration during The Gospel for All God’s Children and those in the Sanctuary placed flowers on the wire mesh crosses during the first hymn. On Tuesday, May 3, we hosted the Spring Presbytery of the Redwoods Meeting on our campus and welcomed siblings in Christ from various Presbyterian churches into our Sanctuary for worship prior to the Presbytery meeting.
On Pentecost Sunday, June 5, 2022, the beautiful red and orange circle of flames and wind banners donned the Sanctuary. On Sunday, July 17, siblings in Christ from Heritage Presbyterian Church in Benicia and Community Presbyterian Church in Vallejo joined us for a joint worship service, preached by Pastor Dionne Carter, Executive Director of Vallejo Together. On October 9, 2022, Diane Morrison and Sue Cameron were baptized in our Sanctuary. We also welcomed Diane and Sue, as well as Johnathan Keith and Dean Hintz, as members of our congregation. On All Saints Sunday, November 6, 2022, we remembered and honored departed saints of our congregation.
The Moravian stars were hung above the chancel prior to the first Sunday of Advent (November 27, 2022) and Advent candles were lit during the 4 Sundays of Advent (November 27 and December 4, 11 and 18). During our Christmas Eve hybrid Worship, we all sang Silent Night, Holy Night while holding candles. Norman Ortiz coordinated special music for the evening, which included the bell choir and instrumentalists in the Sanctuary and recorded vocalists.
The Worship Committee thanks God for all those who enabled the Committee to realize and live into its purpose in 2022. We are grateful for Pastor Deck, who charged us each Sunday to “go out into the world in peace, have courage, hold on to what is good, return no one evil for evil.” While Pastor Deck was on vacation during 2022, we are thankful for our guest preachers, who included Rev. Joanne Whitt and Rev. Cornel Barnett. We are thankful for our Music Director, Norman Ortiz, provided the beautiful music, a highlight of our weekly worship services, which uplifted, inspired and encouraged us all. We also appreciate the talents of our bell choir, guest instrumentalists and our guest vocalists.
We are grateful for Susan Melendez who provided the beautiful bulletins and Power Point slides that appear on the television screen for our services. We are thankful for the commitment and dedication of our Zoom Worship Team (Michael Braymen, Pattie Kempf, Sue Cameron and Corinne Quinn) which allowed smooth Zoom services each Sunday. We appreciate the service of Max and Bella Di Stefano and Rod Lissey who served as chancel candle lighters and extinguishers at times throughout the year.
We are truly grateful for the vision and talent of Franc Calvo, our Sanctuary Design Coordinator and Niu Tualaulelei, our Sanctuary Banner Coordinator, who transformed our Sanctuary into a refuge and a welcoming space for all. We are also grateful for those who assisted in putting up and taking down banners and decorations in our Sanctuary and Narthex, including Norma Lau, Sue Cameron, Diane Morrison, Johnathan Keith, Wendy Yun, Pattie Kempf and Norman Ortiz. Finally, we are extremely grateful for our members and friends who attended worship in person or via Zoom throughout 2022. (If I forgot to mention anyone, please charge it to my head and not to my heart.) New members of the Worship Committee are always welcome. If you would like to join the Worship Committee, please let Corinne Quinn know.
Respectfully submitted,
Corinne L. Quinn
Worship Committee Chair
The Deacons of First Presbyterian Church, Vallejo want to thank God for placing the desire to support our ministry on the hearts and in the minds of the congregation and friends. We sincerely appreciate your financial contributions to our Deacons Fund and your time, talents and desire to minister to others, which allow us to bless the lives of our members, friends and the larger Vallejo community.
For Easter 2022, the Deacons gave boxes of chocolate, beautifully decorated by Franc Calvo, to our members and friends. The chocolate was delivered by Michael Braymen, Roberta Hunter, Corinne Quinn and Pastor Deck. Colorful Easter cards were designed and printed by Susan Melendez, signed by Deacons Susan Melendez, Donna Russell, Roberta Hunter (on behalf of Maria Matthews) and Corinne Quinn and mailed to members and friends. For Christmas 2022, the Deacons gave to 55 poinsettias, selected and transported to the church by Michael Braymen and Pastor Deck and wonderfully decorated by Franc Calvo. The poinsettias were delivered to each household of members and friends by Michael Braymen, Roberta Hunter, Corinne Quinn, Sarita DeSouza and Pastor Deck. Beautiful Christmas cards were designed and printed by Susan Melendez, signed by Deacons Susan Melendez, Donna Russell, Roberta Hunter (on behalf of Maria Matthews) and Corinne Quinn and mailed to members and friends.
We are grateful for Leona Young who sent birthday, get well and sympathy cards throughout the year to members and friends. Throughout 2022, Deacons provided refreshments after service in collaboration with the Fellowship Committee. On Christmas Eve, members and friends provided cookies which were enjoyed with hot apple cider before and after service. The Deacons keep in contact with members of their Care Circles. Deacons continue to activate, maintain and sustain the Prayer Chain to pray for concerns while Pastor Deck lights candles for prayer concerns each Sunday morning.
The food barrel in the Narthex was filled several times, with over 300 pounds of food collected. This non perishable food was collected by the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano and used to provide over 250 meals to individuals in need. Although the 2022 Financial Report from Deacons Treasurer Donna Russell is not contained in this report, The Deacons gave a total of $400 in 2022 to community based organizations who support the needs of those in Vallejo. With your generosity, $100 was given to each of the following: Salvation Army, Christian Help Center, Faith Food Fridays and Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano.
New members of the Deacons Committee are always welcome. If you would like to join the Deacons Committee, please let Corinne Quinn know.
Peace and blessings,
Corinne L. Quinn
Deacons Committee Chair
First Presbyterian Church, Vallejo started the year with 55 active members and concluded with 52 active members for 2022. Three people, Diane Morrison, Sue Cameron, and Jonathan Keith joined the church on October 9th; Diane and Sue were baptized. Four active members passed in 2022: Rose Gray on April 1st, Mary Ann Fitzpatrick on April 3rd, John Bowden on July 14th, and Ruth Dion on September 5th. Howard Fitzpatrick transferred his membership to Community Presbytery on June 21st and Dorothy Gallagher was removed from the rolls at her request on December 14th.
The PC(USA) Annual Statistical Report for 2021 was submitted to denomination headquarters after approval by the Session.
At the May 22, 2022, Congregational Meeting the By-laws were amended to remove the Long-Range Planning Committee and to allow meetings by telecommunication, e.g., Zoom.
Throughout 2022 Michael Braymen served as Clerk of Session, Susan Melendez and Donna Russel served as Treasurers. At the May 22, 2022, Congregational Meeting, Jenny Di Stefano, Josephina Lorico, and Jan McCafferty were elected to the 2022 Nominating Committee and Caroline Poage, Corinne Quinn, and Linda Reid were elected to one-year terms on the Session Board. The Session Board class structure for the period July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, was as follows at year end 2021:
Class of 2023 Class of 2024 Class of 2025
Pattie Kempf Michael Braymen
Caroline Poage Susan Melendez
Corinne Quinn
Linda Reid
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Braymen
Clerk of Session
The responsibilities of the Financial Secretary include sorting and securing offerings after all services, as well as all receipts to the Church, such as fees, rents and memorial donations. The receipts are then counted, recorded, and deposited. All deposits are reported to the Church Treasurer at the time of deposit.
Until the Covid 19 Pandemic lockdowns forced churches to transition to online services, Jan McCafferty collected and secured offerings after each service. We sincerely appreciate her dependability and efficiency.
Ken Russell has provided maintenance, back-up support, and training with the Church’s Church Data Master (CDM) Program, and assisted with the preparation of our Annual Contribution Statements. His support and hard work are immensely appreciated.
Donna Russell counts and records all receipts, then deposits all funds into the Church’s checking account at US Bank. She then transfers all the financial data into the Church Data Master (CDM) Program. At the close of the financial year (December 31st) she prepares, produces and distributes Annual Contribution Statements to all Church donors.
Each year the Presbyterian Church USA assesses every member a $35.00 Per Capita fee to cover their administrative costs. This fee is separate from your pledge and donations which are directed to the operation, activities and mission of our local Church. This fee amounts to over $2000.00 for our Church, so members can greatly assist with our non-negotiable expenses by paying the Per Capita fee for their family.
Annual Contribution Statements are being prepared. We will mail these statements to our contributors by the end of January. If you have questions regarding your statement, please leave a message at the Church and we will reply in a timely manner.
Donna Russell
Financial Secretary
2022 was another “quiet” year for the music department. That is, we still have the sound of music during our services, but we still miss the both the singing and handbell choirs. In November of 2020, First Presbyterian Church received a generous donation of handbells to extend the upper range of our current handbell collection. We are deeply thankful and indebted to Josefina Lorico for offering this musical donation in honor of her husband, Jose. Handbells are things of great beauty both to see, and to hear. This gift will last more than a lifetime, and the new bells will remain as part of our permanent handbell collection for future generations of ringers. It wasn’t until April of 2022 that we were finally able to assemble a group of bell ringers to prepare a piece for the premier the beautiful new handbells. Our choir included, Cannie and Jacob Hertz, Niu Tualaulalei, Wendy Yun, and Norman Ortiz. Not only did we rehearse in the church, but we also made a couple of field trips to Davis where we rang bells in the backyard of the Hertz family. On Mother’s Day, May 8 2022, the Chancel Handbell Choir presented “Meditation on Beautiful Savior” during a service that included a dedication of the bells to the church, along with the dedication of the intricate and amazing table cloth which was crocheted by Zenaida Alucema, and donated by Josefina Lorico. We were joined for Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas services by familiar musicians who have become part of our extended church family. These fine musicians included Jacob Hertz (piano), Wendy Yun (soprano), Catherine DeVos (flute), Rebecca HartmanBaker (violin). The Chancel Handbell Choir for Christmas Eve included Niu Tualaulalei, Caroline Poage, Frank Calvo, Rebecca Hartman-Baker and Vincent Hartman-Baker.
Respectfully submitted,
Norman Ortiz
Music director, organist
When I look back at all the changes that have happened since COVID-19 became part of our lives in March 2020, it is amazing how fast things have changed and how adaptable we have become. Prior to March 2020 I had never heard of the computer program Zoom (And I’m guessing you hadn’t either)!, but now Zoom is an everyday part of my life. I don’t know what I would do without Zoom. I would certainly be more isolated, that’s for sure. Zoom has quickly changed our church life.
For instance, Zoom has radically changed what happens on Sunday mornings. It has only been 18 months, since June 2021, that people began to return to the Sanctuary for “in person” attendance at worship. When COVID-19 hit, most of us rapidly adapted to attending worship using Zoom. From late March 2020 to June 2021, using Zoom was the only way you could attend “live” worship. And even since June 2021, at least half the congregation still attends worship using Zoom. This means that on most Sunday mornings, we have between 8 to 15 people in the Sanctuary and between 8 to 15 people attending worship using Zoom. And most people who use Zoom to attend worship from home very rarely, if ever, come to the Sanctuary for worship. If you had told me prior to March 2020 that this would be the case, I wouldn’t have believed it. But very rapidly it has become the norm. There are several advantages to this. For instance, some elderly folks can now attend from far away using Zoom, when prior to using Zoom they had to drive to the physical building to attend, meaning they rarely attended worship. Leona Young, who “Zooms in” from Vacaville, Alice Wheeler, who “Zooms in” from Richmond, and Josefina Lorico, who “Zooms in” from Woodland, rarely miss a Sunday attending worship. One of the downsides of this is that we have fewer people physically in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings, or at any time during the week. So, our large Sanctuary seems more and more empty over time. And this affects our fellowship activities.
Another advantage to Zoom is that it allows people to attend meetings without leaving their home, even when they are out of town. For instance, I lead two weekly classes on Zoom, almost always doing so from home. On Mondays I lead a Bible Study class from 1:00 to 1:45 p.m., and on Tuesdays I lead a class entitled Exploration of the Spiritual Journey from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Attendance at both of these classes holds very steady at around 5 or 6 people every week, which is about 20% to 25% of the number of people who attend worship each week. I think this is a pretty good percentage of our average worshiping congregation. In addition, the Session almost always meets using Zoom on either Tuesday or Wednesday evenings once a month, or more frequently when needed. The fact that all people have to do is turn on their computer (or phone) to attend, without driving to get to the building and driving back home, seems to make people happier and is environmentally advantageous.
The normal monthly routine of my pastoral work continues with these changes brought about by Zoom. Every week I spend much of my time getting ready for Bible Study class and Exploration of the Spiritual Journey class and then leading those classes. In addition, I spent significant time putting together the worship service liturgy, which Susan then turns into a paper bulletin for those who attend worship in person and into a PowerPoint program we can project on the large television screen in the Sanctuary and on Zoom. One week a month I write articles for our monthly newsletter, the Key News, and Susan then gets it in the mail. At least one week a month I work on the Session Agenda, and then moderate the Session meeting. Almost every week I go out to visit someone in person, sometimes to provide pastoral care and sometimes just to visit and stay in touch with members. And, as usual, there always seems to be various things that take my time, whether it has to do with solving problems (like dealing with building issues or responding to someone’s need) or routine tasks, like helping occasionally to change banners, etc.
One highlight of this past year is that we had three people join our congregation as new members, Sue Cameron, Jonathan Keith and Diane Morrison, on October 9, 2022. Sue is a recently retired nurse who worked for Kaiser Vallejo Hospital. She is very interested in spirituality, so she shows up on Zoom every morning with about 4 or 5 other people to practice Centering Prayer with me, and she attends the Bible Study and Exploration of the Spiritual Journey classes regularly. She also volunteers on Sunday mornings frequently to help run the Zoom and PowerPoint programs. Diane began attending when our congregation returned to in person worship, following her grown son have a stroke. She felt the need of being close to others in worship and very much appreciates the fellowship and pastoral support she receives. Both Sue and Diane had never been baptized, so I had the privilege of baptizing both of them! Jonathan moved to Vallejo from Decatur, Georgia, which is next to Atlanta, where I was born, for his work. He and his wife live within walking distance of the Sanctuary. Jonathan already had a meditation practice prior to attending our worship, so he quickly became interested in the Monday Bible Study and especially our Tuesday Exploration of the Spiritual Journey classes and attends frequently. When the Deacons agreed to sponsor the making of marbled paper covered datebooks for the prisoners I visit for Centering Prayer class every Thursday, all three of them stayed after worship for 4 Sundays in November and December to help glue marbled paper onto 100 little datebooks which I then gave to people at the prison I visit in Stockton every Thursday. Then in December Sue and Jonathan attended the datebook making event I hosted on Sunday after worship.
One issue the Session has been dealing with for many years is how to address the maintenance needs of our very large building. As we entered 2022 the Session was divided over the prospect of either staying in our large, old building and struggling to maintain it, or perhaps leaving the building and moving into part of the building used by Community Presbyterian Church on Georgia Street. Eventually this decision seemed to take much time and energy in Session discussions without coming to a decision. So, in September I recommended the Session hire consultants from Pneumatrix, which is run by Jim Kitchens, who led worship for 4 months with us in 2015 when I was on sabbatical, and Deborah Wright. Pneumatrix has worked with hundreds of congregations across the country dealing with similar issues as ours. The Session decided to hire Pneumatrix and work with them in October and November. They started by interviewing every Elder and myself, in order to identify underlying issues. Then they met with the Session several times to take them through aa process of discernment about our future. By the end of November Pneumatrix presented a final report to the Session. Because December and January are very busy months, the Session has yet to thoroughly discuss the results presented in their report, but will do so as we go forward. It is my hope that those discussions will be fruitful and provide some direction for 2023. (For further information, see their report.)
A few random additional highlights from the year include our Clerk of Session, Michael Braymen, being elected by Redwoods Presbytery to be one of our representatives to attend the bi-annual meeting of the General Assembly, our national Presbyterian meeting. Michael was kept very busy reading materials prior to the meeting, and then attended many Zoom meetings as part of General Assembly and flying to Louisville, Kentucky, for several days for in person meetings. I have personally visited several General Assembly meetings over the years, but never been elected to represent the Presbytery as a voting member, like Michael. It was fun for me to have Michael keep me abreast of what he was doing prior to, during and after General Assembly.
Another highlight was getting together with our sister congregations, Community Presbyterian in Vallejo, and Heritage Presbyterian Church in Benicia, for a joint worship service in our Sanctuary and meal afterward in our courtyard on Sunday, July 17th. For decades we have gotten together for joint Ash Wednesday and other occasional joint worship services, but COVID had prevented that for several years. We had a guest preacher that Sunday, the Rev. Dionne Carter, who is the Executive Director of Vallejo Together, whose mission is “to foster change, awaken hope and offer empowering opportunities for individuals and families in Vallejo without homes or experiencing a housing-related crisis. We fulfill our mission by providing innovative basic needs programs and services and building sustainable partnerships, coalitions, and networks to plan and carry out equitable, sustainable, and systemic solutions.” (from the Vallejo Together website: www.vallejotogether.org)
One last highlight is that a new worshipping congregation, New Beginnings, has signed a rental contract with us to use our Sanctuary on Sunday afternoons. Our Operating Budget will be helped by the rent they will pay us to use our Sanctuary. I look forward to getting to know them better and working with them this coming year.
On a personal note, I continue to drive to Stockton most Thursday mornings to lead a Centering Prayer group in the California Health Care Facility Prison there. I am one of the very few volunteers who has returned to the prison since the outbreak of the pandemic. In August 2022 I returned to Snowmass, Colorado, for my 8th 10-day silent retreat there, using my paid Continuing Education time and money. Centering Prayer has changed my life in significant ways since I began a daily practice in 2011. I continue to be part of the Contemplative Outreach Prison Outreach Service Team, which is a national team of people seeking to support the teaching of Centering Prayer in prisons across the nation, and to support those who begin a practice of Centering Prayer while incarcerated when they leave prison. In January 2023 our team had a retreat in Snowmass, Colorado, since none of us had met each other in person, but only on Zoom. The Session approved paying for my retreat expenses out of the Shear Scholarship fund, for which I am grateful. And in 2022 I was the leader of a Pastoral Cohort organized by the Redwoods Presbytery for the second straight year. This a group of Pastors in our Presbytery who meet monthly for mutual support and learning together.
I look forward to our continuing ministry together as the First Presbyterian Church in Vallejo in 2023, our 161st year of continuous ministry here, and my 29th year as your Pastor. I want to thank all our Elders for their dedicated and hard work: Roberta Hunter and Jan McCafferty who all rotated off Session in June 2023, and Michael Braymen, Pattie Kempf, Susan Melendez, Caroline Poage, Corinne Quinn, and Linda Reid who continue to serve of Session. I also want to thank our hard-working staff: Susan Melendez, Norman Ortiz, and Cathy Wilcox. Thank you for allowing me to be your Pastor, as we continue together to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ as part of the body of Christ in the world.
Grace & Peace,
The Rev. Dr. Hampton Deck
House Fund – Maintain and repair the manse on Hanns Avenue.
James Harrison Fund – Income on the fund can be used for camperships to Westminster Woods and for support of Westminster Woods.
E. Milton Grant Scholarship Loan Fund – Scholarships for members of First Presbyterian Church – Vallejo to further their educational opportunities in fields other than Christian Education.
General Memorial – Can be used for any purpose approved by the Session.
Trustee Reserve – Can be used for any purpose approved by the Session.
Organ Fund – To be used for the music program including maintenance and repair of the organ of the First Presbyterian Church – Vallejo.
Louise & Roy Shear Scholarship Fund – Scholarships for members or staff to enrich the Christian life of the congregation.
Al Jenni Fund – Funds are to be used to support the growth of the church.
Luther Gibson Fund – Funds to be used for church maintenance and utilities.
Ekstrand Sunday School Fund – The income is to be used to purchase non-consumable Sunday School instruction materials and supplies that would be used on Sunday at First Presbyterian Church - Vallejo.
Ann Williams Fund – 75% of the income on the fund is to be used for church operations. The remaining 25% of the income is to be deposited back into the fund.
House Fund – Maintain and repair the manse on Hanns Avenue.
James Harrison Fund – Income on the fund can be used for camperships to Westminster Woods and for support of Westminster Woods.
E. Milton Grant Scholarship Loan Fund – Scholarships for members of First Presbyterian Church – Vallejo to further their educational opportunities in fields other than Christian Education.
General Memorial – Can be used for any purpose approved by the Session.
Trustee Reserve – Can be used for any purpose approved by the Session.
Organ Fund – To be used for the music program including maintenance and repair of the organ of the First Presbyterian Church – Vallejo.
Louise & Roy Shear Scholarship Fund – Scholarships for members or staff to enrich the Christian life of the congregation.
Al Jenni Fund – Funds are to be used to support the growth of the church.
Luther Gibson Fund – Funds to be used for church maintenance and utilities.
Ekstrand Sunday School Fund – The income is to be used to purchase non-consumable Sunday School instruction materials and supplies that would be used on Sunday at First Presbyterian Church - Vallejo.
Ann Williams Fund – 75% of the income on the fund is to be used for church operations. The remaining 25% of the income is to be deposited back into the fund.