Who We Are | Personnel
First Presbyterian Church of Vallejo has posted an employment ad for an interim pastor on the Presbytery of the Redwoods website. ( www.redwoodspresbytery.org) This was posted many months ago, before Pastor Deck retired. Interested individuals, please fill out all the parts of a simple job application with information the applicant feels comfortable sharing, to show their interest in this position.
We are very thankful that many pastors have stepped forward to provide us with thoughtful inspiration. We have scheduled substitute pastors through the end of September.
Please feel free to give members of The Personnel Committee (Caroline, Corinne, or Dianne) feedback on our substitute pastors’ sermons. We are trying to keep the worship liturgy familiar to ease us through this transition period. For further information, questions, and to express interest in the position, please contact: Personnel Committee Chair, Caroline Poage, [email protected].
The following contract between the session of First Presbyterian Church of Vallejo and the Rev. , is for the purpose of providing pastoral services as Interim Transitioning Pastor to the Church for a period of 9 months.
Preparing for New Leadership
The temporary pastor’s responsibilities include:
Serving as moderator of Session (when appointed by Presbytery) and working with Session to provide for the life and ministry of the congregation. Prepare agenda, with input from Session members. Be reachable.
Moderate congregational meetings. Prepare agenda with input from Session members. Work with Session to ensure all rules and regulations of the congregation are followed.
Facility issues to be referred to Property Chair and Committee. Agent of Service will be Administrative Committee Chair.
Lead worship and preach at regular Sunday service, including children’s sermon. Plan and/or write liturgy. Serve Communion the first Sunday of every month.
Visit, comfort and counsel the hospitalized, sick and shut-in members of the congregation and those connected to the congregation, taking the Lord’s Supper to them, when requested.
Arrange for substitute preachers on any Sunday not present.
Read and reflect regularly on the Scriptures, theology, and movement of the Holy Spirit, human nature, current events and the life of the congregation.
Comfort the bereaved and oversee and perform the funerals of members and others connected to the congregation. Perform weddings.
Lead new members’ classes if requested.
Represent church in dealing with outside organizations (including tenants)
Counsel those who come seeking God’s grace, holding in confidence what is discussed in accordance with G-6.0204.
Pray for the church.
Write Pastor’s Column for Key News.
The congregation and session will be responsible to support the pastor in his/her ministry
provide regular financial compensation according to the terms outlined below
provide a performance review to the pastor at least annually
Pray for the pastor during this contract period
negotiate goals for contract period
During the length of this agreement, the pastor will be accountable to the presbytery. It is understood that the pastor will participate in the quarterly temporary pastors meeting sponsored by the presbytery. Should the Temporary Pastor have any serious differences or difficulties with any former pastor of this congregation, the matter will be immediately referred to the presbytery. It is understood that the pastor will not be involved in any way with the Pastor Nominating Committee, except to facilitate that committee's regular reports to the session and the congregation. Any concerns or suggestions about the congregation's search for a new pastor shall be carried to the presbytery liaison. It is understood by all parties that the pastor under contract may not be considered for the installed pastoral position in this congregation.
This agreement may be terminated by either party (session or pastor) upon 30 days written notice. This agreement may be extended in one to 12 month periods, upon written notice to, and the approval of, the presbytery. It is understood that the pastor will participate in any training/discussions sponsored and/or requested by presbytery and will participate in an exit interview conducted by presbytery.
Cathy Wilcox